Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Week

I hope your first week went well. Mine has been a unique struggle due to the fact that I don't have much choice on what I get to eat this week because I am at High School Summer Camp. I did get the chance to run up over the mountain out here in the Black Hills and then back down again. What an incredible way to get into shape! I would love to hear your victory stories from this week. If you have a story this week of how much weight you lost or an obstacle that you overcame please leave a comment and share it with the rest of us.

Also this will be our second week to weigh-in. If you have not weighed in yet please do that this week in the corner of the coffee house next to the old family restroom. If you weighed in last week please leave a comment on how your week went so I can know what you need to best fit your strategy to be the biggest loser!

Watch for victory stories and more information this week. Get connected with someone in the group. Go for a walk. Pray for each other. Encourage someone you may not know. Look for them as they are checking in on a Sunday. Ask there name and connect. Our classes will start soon too!


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Connection Point for Weigh-Ins

Our first weigh-in is fast upon us. I know I have heard from some that they were going to get a good week of eating before they weigh-in so they can lose more weight. It will only make you have to work harder! If you were unable to download the form on the previous blog that is no problem. We will have extra sheets ready for you this Sunday. The connection area will be in the corner of the new coffee house area by what used to be the family restroom. We will have our sign up and an area with a scale so that you can weigh yourself in. Don't forget to put your dollar in the envelope located in the weigh-in area. Once you pay your dollar and weigh yourself in look for the red folder with manila folders. Your name will be on one of those folders and a sheet with weigh-in information will be located in that folder. Fill that sheet out with your weight and thoughts for the week. Please make sure we have your email correct and listed. There were several that came back undeliverable or I was unable to interpret. If you have any questions I will be available to help out in any way I can.

Watch this week for tips and thoughts on your first week to stretching yourselves. I will be posting things from the Black Hills and trying to get a guest blogger to give us some insight this week.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weigh-In Sheets

You will find attached to this post a form that we will be using each week to keep track of your progress. I wanted to put it up on the blog so that you can print it off and keep it home. Put it in a place that is visible for you so you can see your progress. We will keep track of your weigh-ins every Sunday on this exact form.

If you are looking for a gym to work-out in I would like to make a recommendation. It is the gym that is sponsoring our free 6 week class starting July 8th.

Endurance 24 Hour Fitness
3805 N. Louise Ave.
605 274 1900

They play Christian music in the gym and have all brand new equipment and amazing classes. They are located behind Premiere Bank and Esurance right off of I-29. Call them for more details.

Make sure to have some kind of exercise routine. Walking is exercise and is important to losing weight and getting healthy!

Biggest Loser Weight Loss Worksheet
(Click on the file name in the google group)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Exercise - Getting Started

This is an article from The Biggest Loser website on how to get started. Hopefully you are already setting goals and working on being the biggest WINNER this summer!

Any kind of exercise can be intimidating for someone who has been sedentary for a long time. Taking the first step can be as simple as literally taking a few steps. Here are some guidelines to getting started.

1. Just get moving. Exercise two or three times a day, but for only 10 or 15 minutes at a time. This gets your blood flowing and gets your mind wrapped around the idea of being active. Drink plenty of water.

Stop your activity if you:
• Have pain, tightness or pressure in your chest.
• Feel dizzy or sick
• Break out in a cold sweat
• Experience muscle cramps

2. To reduce stress on joints such as knees and ankles, you may want to avoid a lot of weight-bearing activities.

Some suggested activities:
• Walking - start slow, this is a weight-bearing activity
• Dancing - either standing or seated, if standing, this is a weight-bearing activity
• Shallow- water (waist to chest-high) exercise
• Deep - water exercise - works entire body
• Weight-training - be sure to use correct posture and slow, controlled movements. Start in a seated position and work your way up to standing.
• Bicycling - start with a recumbent bike to avoid joint stress

3. Wear form-fitting clothes, especially on your legs. This is probably not the kind of fashion advice you are used to, but tighter, synthetic clothing wicks away sweat and reduces chafing of the skin. After your workout, use an antibacterial soap and be sure to leave no body part damp.

4. STRETCH! Stretching before and after any physical activity helps prevent injuries during your workouts. However, obese newcomers should avoid stretches that strain the lower back.

5. Buy some new shoes. Running shoes offer the best support and it's good to buy them a size larger than normal since feet swell during exercise.

*Information adapted from the National Institutes of Health website. Click here for additional information.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Great Turnout!

After rally day we have close to 30 people signed up for the Biggest Loser. Thats awesome! I was also excited to see some people I have not gotten to know yet and people I do know. We are going to have a great time.

I would challenge you to find someone or create a team of people that can help hold you accountable on two levels. First, on your spiritual journey through this time. If you don't journal it would be a great time to get a journal. If you need a daily reading plan just read one chapter in the Old Testament and one chapter in the New Testament and then write down the verse that sticks out to you and the meaning that is has on your life. Then, connect with that team or person and share what God has been showing you. Second, within that team or person make sure to check on each other on how you are doing with exercise and eating habits over the next few weeks. Make sure to create goals that are attainable and not goals that you know are too far of a stretch for you.

I will email a list of people involved in this club this week so that you can find out who is going on this stretching experience with you. Connect and grow with those you have never met before and those who you have know for a long time. Lets take a STRETCH together this summer!

Don't forget to bring your dollar to weigh-in next week. Watch this week for a weight loss journal and more information this Sunday!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Here we come!

Isaiah 54:2
“ Enlarge the place or your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”

This summer we have an incredible opportunity to stretch ourselves on many levels. This life group will create avenues of accountability, relationships and reaching personal goals for getting healthy. Accountability: We will have weigh-ins every Sunday morning and keep track of the weight that you have lost. The cost is a dollar every week you weigh-in. The proceeds from this will all go towards the Flandreau Indian Reservation and the outreach taking place there. Goals: Your progress will be charted every week. Relationships: Connect with others through the Biggest Loser Church at the Gate blog. We will post scriptures, thoughts, successes, and ideas on how to lose weight and get healthy. Stretch yourself this summer and get connected. If you would like, you can even join some of us by reaching the goal of running a half marathon in September. It’s all about seeing God move in all areas of your life.

Plus a FREE 30 Minute class starting July 9th from 6:45pm-7:15pm at Endurance Gym.

Watch for guest bloggers on ideas for weight loss, exercise schedules, food journaling, recipes ideas, and the success' of those who are doing well.

First weigh-in will be Sunday, June 21st. We will help you keep track of your weight loss each week and also combine all the weight of every individual and track how much weight we lose, as a group each week. DON'T FORGET YOUR DOLLAR TO WEIGH-IN!

Keep watching for weekly and sometimes daily updates!